Most Popular Software Development Methodologies

Chathurika Wijesooriya
5 min readMar 4, 2022


Hello there, this time I’ll be posting some useful information regarding software development methodologies that will assist you in software development… 🙂🙃

A procedure or set of methods used in software development is known as software development methodology. Every methodology has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, and each one performs differently in different scenarios. The software development methodology is a framework for structuring, planning, and controlling an information system’s development process. So, let’s take a look at some of the most widely employed methodologies in today’s world.

01. Agile Methodology

One of the best software development methodologies is the Agile Software Development methodology, which is utilized to create a rigorous software management process while still allowing for rapid changes in the development project. Agile software development, or simply Agile, is a development technique that anticipates the need for flexibility and applies pragmatism to the delivery of the completed product. Scrum, crystal, extreme programming (XP), and feature-driven development (FDD) are just a few examples of agile development methods.

The agile methodology dictates that the developer begin with a minimal project design. Small modules are developed first by developers. Each module has a weekly or monthly completion deadline. The client analyzes the work when each module is completed. The developers are provided with critical input. Additionally, the problems in the code are investigated and fixed.

Advantages of Agile Methodology

  • Customers are satisfied as the software delivers to them after every Sprint functional feature.
  • Customer, Developer, and Product Owner meet on a frequent basis to focus on the customer’s needs rather than procedures and tools.
  • Uses face-to-face conversation as communication.
  • After each step, the team evaluates the budget in order to make future decisions and keep costs under control.
  • provide high-quality results.
  • Even last-minute adjustments are welcomed.

Disadvantages of Agile Methodology

  • At the start of a project, it can be difficult to forecast costs, timelines, and resources.
  • It isn’t appropriate for small-scale development initiatives.
  • Documentation gets diverted, making it difficult for new members to come up to speed.
  • Because agile methodologies provide in chunks, it might be difficult to track progress.
  • If teams do not make any progress, they may be sidelined.

02. DevOps Methodology

DevOps is a well-known methodology that is getting a lot of traction across all software development methodologies due to the numerous benefits it provides to its consumers. DevOps is a collection of activities that support a corporate culture as well as a development methodology.

DevOps focuses on organizational transformation to improve collaboration across departments responsible for various aspects of the development life cycle, such as development, quality assurance, and operations.

Advantages of DevOps Methodology

  • DevOps improves teamwork and speeds up turnaround time.
  • Product release and time to market are both being sped up.
  • Better operational assistance.
  • Code Releases on a Regular Basis.
  • Process that is more efficient Multiple processes are running at the same time, making the process quicker and easier for firms to complete on time.
  • Within the team, there is a clear product vision.
  • Production cycles have been shortened.
  • Increased product quality.
  • Increased adaptability and support.

Disadvantages of DevOps Methodology

  • DevOps calls for cultural change
  • Extensive testing is required
  • Need a lot of human connections.
  • Highly talented developers are needed

03. Waterfall Methodology

The waterfall technique is often regarded as the most conventional software development method. In a linear sequential flow, this model simplifies the software development process.

You should always double-check that the previous step of the development cycle is complete before moving on to the next. There is usually no process to go back to change a project or direction. The waterfall method is useful in software development if the scope is well defined. In addition, the project remains constant. As a result, going back after the developers have completed the earliest stages of the project is expensive.

Advantages of Waterfall Methodology

  • The waterfall model is an approach that is relatively straightforward and easy to grasp.
  • The waterfall technique works well for projects with defined goals and predictable needs.
  • Waterfall methodology saves a large amount of time by processing and completing all phases at the same time.
  • Because of the rigidity of the model, project management is simple.

Disadvantages of Waterfall Methodology

  • If adjustments are necessary, the process is largely non-dynamic and would cost both money and effort.
  • The waterfall method does not apply to projects that require continuous maintenance.
  • The waterfall approach can not handle large risks.
  • It’s difficult to predict the outcome before the delivery.

04. Scrum Methodology

Scrum is a popular flexible project management methodology that divides work into equal sprints, which may last anywhere from a week to a month, depending on the project and team makeup. The Scrum development methodology can be used for a wide range of projects. Such a development process can be used for companies whose needs are rapidly evolving and easy to adapt to.

Following these sprints, the team and key stakeholders evaluate their progress, noting any necessary changes and significant takeaways. The Scrum team then moves on to the next sprint, which may or may not be related to the previous one. The project’s success can be expedited by teamwork, openness, and frequent progress reporting.

Advantages of Scrum Methodology

  • Scrum Development is ideal for fast-paced, cutting-edge development, speedy code, and rapidly rectifiable testing errors.
  • Decision making is entirely in the hands of the team.
  • Scrum ensures that time and money are spent wisely.
  • Projects are split into smaller, more manageable sprints.
  • During the sprint review, new features are coded and tested.
  • Scrum is diligent and receives feedback from customers and stakeholders
  • It usually produces more satisfied employees.
  • It enhances customer satisfaction.
  • It usually leads to better quality work.

Disadvantages of Scrum Methodology

  • Scrum methodology necessitates a substantial amount of training.
  • Not suitable for junior or intermediate level developers.
  • Need constant communication in this methodology.
  • It’s difficult to predict productivity when the team makeup changes often.
  • It’s ideal for little, fast-paced tasks, but not for large, intricate ones.
  • If the test team is unable to do regression testing after each sprint, the project quality manager will be difficult to apply and assess.

So, hope now you have got some knowledge about software development methodologies by reading my article…

Hope to catch you soon from my next story.

Till then, stay safe and chill…!



Chathurika Wijesooriya

Undergraduate | Faculty of Information technology, University of Moratuwa | Android developer